Paul, Timothy, and Friendship | June 3

Click here to read the daily readings from the USCCB website.

In today’s first reading, we hear Paul encouraging his dear friend Timothy. I appreciate this reading today for two main reasons: the beauty of Christian friendship and the need to be encouraged as Christians.

I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that encountering Jesus Christ and accepting Him as Lord is the single greatest thing that can happen to a person. Everything else that happens should be joy that flows from that relationship. Our identity should be rooted in that relationship. Our mission should find its source in that relationship. A personal relationship, a friendship, with Jesus gives life to everything else that we do as Christians from work to hobbies to friendship. Paul demonstrated here what a Christ-centered friendship looks like.

Notice the flow of the letter. It starts with an acknowledgement of God. Then Paul expresses his gratitude to God for his friendship with Timothy. Gratitude is a critical part of the Christian life because it helps us remember that everything we have is a gift, even our friends. Paul goes on to encourage Timothy to live well the mission he has been given. He affirms who Timothy is as he remind Timothy of the spirit of power and love and self-control. Most importantly, Paul brings everything back to Jesus Christ.

Being a Christian isn’t meant to be a walk in the park. It’s more of a way of the cross. “Bear your share of hardship for the Gospel with the strength that comes from God.” We as Christians are called to imitate the love of our Beloved, the kind of love that suffers and lays itself down for the other. But no one said this was easy. That’s why Paul is encouraging Timothy. Paul is the one who helps Timothy stay faithful to his mission, helps him remember who he is in Christ, and helps him stay at all times focused on his relationship with Jesus Christ and God the Father through the Holy Spirit.

Do you have a Paul in your life? If so, awesome! Express your gratitude to them. Tell them how much their encouragement means to you. If not, reach out. Is there someone you’ve always admired and wanted to get to know? Now is a great time to start building a friendship! Start with a short Facebook message expressing interest in how they’re getting through these trying times. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me either. If you’d like some direction in getting connected to the community, shoot me an email! Building relationships for the sake of the Kingdom is my passion :)


-Amanda Benner, Director of Evangelization